Science-y type things

Understanding Science was a weekly set of magazines that were first printed many decades ago. It had wonderfully painted colourful pictures in them with all aspects of science touched on in relatively straighforward detail and for a kid like me they were marvellous. By the time I got my hands on them, they were already ten years older than I was. They'd become dog eared and tattered, but they were the kindling flame of my love for science.

I've had the benefit of two degrees in Physics. Physics is the fundamental basis for all life on earth, and even the universe. It is more than just equations. Whenever there is any action taking place, physics is in there somewhere :

and many millions of everyday things. In a nutshell, physics is the study of the exchange of energy.

Physics can not be adequately explained without the aid of Mathematics. It is a language that is neat in its brevity and preciseness. With it, an abstract idea can be cast into a form which can be tested by comparison with real events via experimentation to see if this form is correct. Mathematics can also provide a rigorous means for proving relationships between one object and another.

In the UK the most popular magazines for science are the New Scientist and Focus. TheInstitute of Physics is based in London and has many regional centres around the UK. it produces the magazine called Physics world for those interested in the most recent advances and discoveries in this field. For those radio listeners out there, the BBC has, on Radio 4, the superb program, Science Now! at 8.00pm Tuesday to be repeated at 4.30pm Saturday.

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©Dylan W.H.S. 1996-1997

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