The Chinese Abacus 8


Division manipulation on the abacus can also leave the matter of the decimal places until last. We introduce the method first for integral numbers, then show how the decimal division can be achieved.


The DIVIDEND is the number which is to be divided. The DIVISOR is the number which dives the dividend.

The initial digit of the dividend (placed near the middle of the abacus) is compared with the initial digit of the divisor and the multiples are noted on the abacus someplace in the left most rods. This multiple is multiplied by the initial digit of the divisor and subtracted from the initial digit of the dividend, resulting in a partial dividend. The second digit of the divisor is then multiplied by the multiple and subtracted from the second digit of the partial dividend.

This same process continues for each digit of the divisor until the last digit for the first multiple. If there are any remaining digits to the dividend, the whole process is repeated for the second digit of the multiple.

Once there are no digits left in the dividend, the answer will be all the multiple digits found.


3           -3      The first digit of the divisor is 1, 1x3=3 .: take 3 from first digit

             0804   is the first partial dividend

             -6     The second digit of the divisor is 2, 1x3=6 .: take six from second digit

              204   is the second partial dividend

32           -2     The divisors's first digit yield a factor of 2 (the multiple) .: take 2 

              004   is the third partial dividend

32*********** -4*** The divisor's second digit is 2, multiply by the multiple 2 to yield 4

                    Problem!! Can't take 4 off so backtrack

-1            104   Remove 1 from the multiple, and multiply it by the first divisor digit

                    So we arrive at this revised partial dividend

31            -2    Therefore most recent digit of the multiple, 1, is multiplied by the 

                    second digit of the dividor 2, and taken away

               84   is our next partial dividend.

318           -8    The first digit of the divisor, 1, has a multiple of 8 so subtract 8

               04   is our next partial dividend.

318********** -16** The divisor's second digit is 2, so 8x2=16, subtract 16

                    Problem again! Backtrack

 -1            14   And recover 1x1 (first divisor digit * recovered multiple)

317            14   is our revised partial dividend  

              -14   The second digit of the divisor is 2, therefore, 7x2=14, subtract 14

               00   This leaves nothing on the abacus.

Our answer is therefore 317

Manipulating decimal division

We can force a decimal divisor into an integral on just by scaling by moving the decimal point. However, the number and direction of places the decimal point moves to achieve this must be matched also by the other number to balance out the effect of this change.


( 462.1 / 3.9 ) = ( 4621 / 39 ) = ( 46210 / 390 ) = ( 46.21 / 0.39 ) = ( 4.621 / 0.039 )

And so on. We note that each differs by factors of 10 from each other, because of the way we have move the decimal point. Once one number has been changed, the other must follow in the same manner. This keeps the ratios constant and allows us to manipulate the numbers before we load them onto the abacus.

To some, this is not very satisfactory, because we may have two numbers with virtually endless number of decimal significant places. To ascertain the correct location of the decimal requires one to think about the number of digits and their decimal point positions.

11 / 11000       =    0.001

11 / 1100        =    0.010

11 / 110         =    0.100

11 / 11          =    1.000

11 / 1.1         =   10.000

11 / 0.11        =  100.000

11 / 0.011       = 1000.000

220 / 11000       =    0.02

220 / 1100        =    0.20

220 / 110         =    2.00

220 / 11          =   20.00

220 / 1.1         =  200.00

220 / 0.11        = 2000.00

220 / 0.011       =20000.00

Like scientific notation, you must have a close look at the powers of tens involved when you have divided by integer translations of the decimals. So if you had 22.111 / 0.024 and you entered the dividend in as 22111 and used 24 as the divisor, be sure to cound the number of powers of ten you deal with either side of the decimal point. The list of of examples of integers divided by various powers of ten of a divisor is above for reference.

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This page was created on Wednesday 27th January 1999.
It was recently updated on Thursday 28th January 1999

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