ROM | IPA | Characters | ROM | IPA | Characters | ROM | IPA | Characters | ROM | IPA | Characters | |||
* | 丫嘔喂恩安 | |||||||||||||
y | 也衣育圓約 | |||||||||||||
v | 話暈屋挖煨 | |||||||||||||
b | 八筆不冰背 | p | 扒平卜朋吠 | m | 馬明木墨梅 | f | 花拂虎或灰 | |||||||
d | 打知肚德多 | t | 他特土田斷 | n | 奶耦嫩能囊 | l | 老力路粒亂 | |||||||
g | 家機古計官 | k | 快期苦肯看 | ng | 牙二誤年餓 | h | 下去兄杏香 | |||||||
z | 炸紙竹曾棹 | c | 車七出前才 | s | 沙新書細船 |
* represents a sound which begins with a vowel.
ROM | a | e | i | o | u |
Hakka from Hong Kong does not include the -u- /u/ glide and likewise, such syllable endings as
All syllables ending in -p, -t or -k belong to tones 5 and 6 only. The rest of the syllables are in tones 1 to 4 inclusive.
This page was created on Friday 10th November 2000 Finals
a 馬沙 ai 買奶 au 保好 am 三南 an 滿飯 ang 零硬 ap 合搭 at 八發 ak 石客
e 係細 em 參含 en 恩很 ep 澀粒 et 色血
i 里時 ia 姐斜 im 心林 in 新民 ip 十立 it 力食
iau 尿妙 iam 驗尖 iang 頸靚 iap 接協 iak 屐錫
ien 年天 iet 月傑
io 茄靴 ioi 艾癐 ion 軟阮 iong 娘香 iot 啜 iok 腳掠
iu 牛口 iun 軍群 iung 龍雄 iut 屈 iuk 局粟
o 哥所 oi
海來 on 安官 ong 長上 ot 說捋 ok 學樂
u 古虎 ui 水鬼 un 文本 ung 公送 ut 律骨 uk 屋叔
m 毋 ng 魚五
Rather than separate out the medials as separate vowel headings, I've placed them under the appropriate romanised rhyme.
Tone 1
Tone 2
Tone 3
Tone 4
Tone 5
Tone 6
陰平聲 陽平聲 上聲 去聲 陰入聲 陽入聲
/33/ /11/ /32/ /53/ /3/ /5/
yiu1 有
have yiu2 油
oil yiu3 又
also yiu4 右
rightside ngiuk5 肉
flesh ngiuk6 玉
fu1 夫
husband fu2 湖
lake fu3 虎
tiger fu4 褲
trousers fut5 窟
hole fut6 佛
sa1 沙
sand sa2 蛇
snake sa3 灑
to pour sa4 射
to shoot sak5 析
portions of sak6 石
Sound files and information about tones. See the section "Readings of the same tone". To return use your browser's 'back' button.
Zen4 Gong3 :
HakGa Index
© Dylan Sung 2000
and was recently updated on Monday 13th Novemeber 2000.