Open and Close Syllables

KaiKou 開 口 and HeKou 合 口 are generally distinguished by the presence of the medial [u] in he kou syllables. Together with the four Deng they form an eight way contrast in the rhymes represented in rhymetables. They are usually abbreviated as follows

Deng + Open and Close開 口 合 口
一 等 開 一 合 一
二 等 開 二 合 二
三 等 開 三 合 三
四 等 開 四 合 四

Alternatively, kaikou and hekou tables of rhymes are sometimes labelled with qing ( 輕 light ) and chong ( 重 heavy ) respectively.

Initials : Guangyun Rhymes : Kaikou/Hekou : Inner and Outer Series : She : Deng : Rhyme Tables : Chinese

© Dylan W.H. Sung
This page was created on Thursday 18th January 2001 and recently updated on Thursday 25th April 2002