16 She Rhyme Categories

From the 206 GuangYun rhymes, we can group these rhymes into sixteen broad categories or She (攝). We use 61 characters which represents all the 206 GuangYun rhymes. These are the Ping tone characters mostly, but a few come from those rhymes where only non-Ping characters exist.

She 攝 GuangYun Rhymes Ending Type
1. 通 1. 東 2. 冬 3. 鍾 -ng, -k
2. 江 4. 江 -ng, -k
3. 止 5. 支 6. 脂 7. 之 8. 微 -i
4. 遇 9. 魚 10. 虞 11. 模
5. 蟹 12. 齊 13. 祭 14. 泰 15. 佳 16. 皆 17. 夬 18. 灰 19. 咍 20. 廢 -i
6. 瑧 21. 真 22. 諄 23. 瑧 24. 文 25. 欣 27. 魂 28. 痕 -n, -t
7. 山 26. 元 29. 寒 30. 桓 31. 刪 32. 山 33. 先 34. 仙 -n, -t
8. 效 35. 蕭 36. 宵 37. 肴 38. 豪 -u
9. 果 39. 歌 40. 戈 Ø
10. 假 41. 麻
11. 宕 42. 陽 43. 唐 -ng, -k
12. 梗 44. 庚 45. 耕 46. 清 47. 青 -ng, -k
13. 曾 48. 蒸 49. 登 -ng, -k
14. 流 50. 尤 51. 侯 52. 幽 -u
15. 深 53. 侵 -m, -p
16. 咸 54. 覃 55. 談 56. 鹽 57. 添 58. 咸 59. 銜 60. 嚴 61. 凡 -m, -p

The 16 She Rhyme Categories also depends upon the inner and outer vowel series, and can be summarised as follows

 Syllables Ending Types
Vowel [1] Labial Dental Velar Velar [2]
Vowel Series
果 / 假
宕 / 梗

[1] In the above table, [ø] represents a vowel ending other than [i] and [u].
[2] The velar stops are separated into two main groups which distinguish the vowels [o] and [u], in this case, or Kai-kou (開口) and He-kou (合口) (the latter occurs when [u] is present within a syllable).

The order of these She rhyme categories can vary, for instance, compare the She in the GuangYun Rimes page which occur in the order of the 206 GY rhymes, with

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

appears in Hanyu Fangyin Zihui (漢語方音字匯).

Initials : Guangyun Rhymes : Inner and Outer Series : She : Deng : Rhyme Tables : Chinese

© Dylan W.H. Sung
This page was created on Saturday 13th January 2001 and recently updated on Thursday 25th April 2002