HTML - The Basics

These pages are all typed by hand, including everything that makes the colours and text sizes different. I'm using one of the most basic text editors, Window's Notepad. This is to show you that you needn't use programs which does all the work for you. Its really not that hard anyway.

HTML means HyperText Mark-up Language. It is used to format text and arrange pictures within in the body of the text. In these pages, we shall show the HTML source code within a pale yellow rectangle, and the results of the code within a pale purple rectangle like so:
Tags are coloured red</H1> <font color="#0000FF">and ordinary
text which you want </font> displayed are in
black to highlight them. However, in the
browser window, they appear as in
this purple box.

Tags are coloured red

and ordinary text which you want displayed are in black to highlight them. However, in the browser window, they appear as in this purple box.

These pages were written between Friday 11th February and Monday 14th February 2000.
© Dylan W.H. Sung 2000