HTML - The Basics

Things to get started

The basic HTML document looks like this:



HTML tags are used to format text and graphics. They are represented here in red upper case text and surrounded by angled brackets "<" and ">". Tags appear sometimes in pairs, and sometime singly:


{All the stuff you want to relay to the world here}


{more things appear here...}


Tags such as "HTML" or "BODY" tags which come in pairs, must always come in pairs. If you don't close some types of tag, you will get very odd results.The closing part of the tag always has the forward slash "/" before the tag name.

In the above example, <HR> produces a single horizontal line generally spanning the width of your browser window.

{All the stuff you want to relay to the world here}
{more things appear here...}

More about the BODY tag.

You can place a number of things within the brackets after the BODY name which controls the text on the page as a whole. Link colors can also be changed using these.

<BODY BGCOLOR="#FF0000" TEXT="#00FF00">
Some text here.
Some text here.

Here, we have chosen the page to have a red background (#FF0000), with green coloured text (#00FF00). Later, you will see some more options to place into the BODY tag.
LINK="#FFFF00" VLINK="#FF00FF" ALINK="#FFFFFF" <A HREF="index.html">Index Page</A> Index Page

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