A few types of CJK characters refering to numerals are given below. They include official characters used on legal tender and official documents, shorthand used in China (HangZhou numerals), and other number related characters.
C = Chinese J = Japanese
S = Simplified T = Traditional A = Ancient form
Commonly Used Numbers 19968 一 one 20108 二 two 19977 三 three 22235 四 four 20116 五 five 20845 六 six 19971 七 seven 20843 八 eight 20061 九 nine 38646 零 zero 12295 〇 zero [J = 'maru'] 21313 十 ten 30334 百 hundred 21315 千 thousand 33836 萬 ten thousand [104] 20740 億 hundred million [108] Official Numbers 22777 壹 one [CT] 36019 貳 two [CT] 21441 叁 three [CS] 32902 肆 four 20237 伍 five 38520 陸 six 26578 柒 seven 25420 捌 eight 29590 玖 nine 25342 拾 ten 20336 佰 hundred 20191 仟 thousand Other Official Numbers 24332 弌 one [A of 一] 24333 弍 two [A of 二] 24334 弎 three [A of 三] 21444 叄 three [T] 21443 參 three [T] 19975 万 104 [S] 22769 壱 one [JS] 24336 弐 two [J] 21442 参 three [J] 20159 亿 108 [CS] 'Hangzhou' Numerals [C] 12321 〡 one 12322 〢 two 12323 〣 three 12324 〤 four 12325 〥 five 12326 〦 six 12327 〧 seven 12328 〨 eight 12329 〩 nine Others 24319 廿 twenty 21316 卄 twenty 21317 卅 thirty 21324 卌 fourty Singles and Doubles etc 21322 半 half 20491 個 individual 20010 个 individual [CS] 38587 隻 one of ... 21482 只 one of ... [CS] 21934 單 single 21333 单 single [CS] 21336 単 single [JS] 38617 雙 pair, double 21452 双 pair, double [S] 23565 對 pair 23545 对 pair [CS] 23550 対 pair [JS] 20841 兩 two, both, pair 20004 两 two, both, pair [CS] 20001 両 two, both, pair [JS] 20486 倆 two 20457 俩 two [CS] 20598 偶 pair, couple, mate 20200 仨 three 21325 卍 myriad Ordinals 31532 19968 第一 first 31532 20108 第二 second 30002 甲 first 20057 乙 second 19993 丙 third 19969 丁 fourth 25098 戊 fifth 24049 己 sixth 24218 庚 seventh 36763 辛 eighth 22764 壬 ninth 30328 癸 tenth Lower Numbers [C] 20998 分 10-1 21400 厘 10-2 27627 毫 10-3 32114 絲 10-4 Higher & Lower Numbers [J] 22419 垓 1020 20140 京 1016 20806 兆 1012 20998 分 10-1 21400 厘 10-2 27611 毛 10-3 31992 糸 10-4