Some Hak Ga Verbs
Guide to Pronunciations use here

Hakka to English

Hakka English Hakka English Hakka English Hakka English Hakka English
bang1 pull bao1 boil bao4 burst ben4 change bin1 give
chiang3 invite dao3 pour det5 fall dun1 simmer foi4 able
fong4 put gan1 close gao1 teach gen4 meet god5 cut
gong3 speak guk6 bake hang2 walk hi4 go hiam2 hate
hiao3 can hoi1 open hok5 fry hok6 learn jiap5 get
jod5 suck kin1 talk kon4 look ku1 squeeze lai1 pull
lao1 angry len2 sew lim2 pour mang1 pull mat5 wipe
mo1 feel mong4 stare mun1 braise ngen3 squeeze oi4 love
pao1 run pi4 smell sa3 spill sai4 dry san1 close
sang1 grow se3 wash si3 die sia3 write siong1 think
sit6 eat soi4 sleep su1 get ta3 pull tai3 tread
tdang4 hear tdiak5 kick tdiao4 jump tdui4 pour tduk6 read
tdung1 move tet5 cut tong4 crash tsa1 squeeze tsa4 fry
tsak5 pick tsen1 fry tsim4 soak tsin1 steam tsiu3 leave
tso4 work tsok5 build tsong1 carry tsu3 cook tsun1 shake
tu4 live tun1 reach vun2 smell yiu1 have zuk5 touch

HakGa English
bu3 sam1 mend clothes
gun3 dung1 si1 doing something
hang2 san1 hill trekking
ki2 ma1 ride a horse
kon4 hi4 go to the cinema
sit6 fan4 have a meal
tdiu2 hi1 shopping
tor1 ta1 ride a vehicle
tsa1 ta1 driving
tut5 gai1 go into town

English to Hakka

English Hakka English Hakka English Hakka English Hakka English Hakka
able foi4 angry lao1 bake guk6 boil bao1 braise mun1
build tsok5 burst bao4 can hiao3 carry tsong1 change ben4
close san1 close gan1 cook tsu3 crash tong4 cut tet5
cut god5 die si3 dry sai4 eat sit6 fall det5
feel mo1 fry tsa4 fry tsen1 fry hok5 get jiap5
get su1 give bin1 go hi4 grow sang1 hate hiam2
have yiu1 hear tdang4 invite chiang3 jump tdiao4 kick tdiak5
learn hok6 leave tsiu3 live tu4 look kon4 love oi4
meet gen4 move tdung1 open hoi1 pick tsak5 pour tdui4
pour lim2 pour dao3 pull lai1 pull mang1 pull ta3
pull bang1 put fong4 reach tun1 read tduk6 run pao1
sew len2 shake tsun1 simmer dun1 sleep soi4 smell vun2
smell pi4 soak tsim4 speak gong3 spill sa3 squeeze ngen3
squeeze ku1 squeeze tsa1 stare mong4 steam tsin1 suck jod5
talk kin1 teach gao1 think siong1 touch zuk5 tread tai3
walk hang2 wash se3 wipe mat5 work tso4 write sia3

English Hak Ga
doing something gun3 dung1 si1
driving tsa1 ta1
go to the cinema kon4 hi4
go into town tut5 gai1
have a meal sit6 fan4
hill trekking hang2 san1
mend clothes bu3 sam1
ride a vehicle tor1 ta1
ride a horse ki2 ma1
shopping tdiu2 hi1

Hakka Links Page : Back to Dylan's HomePage
This page was last updated on Thurday 2nd April 1998,
and previously on Friday 12 September 1997.

©Dylan W.H.S. 1996-1998
You can e-mail me here on anything you like!